Studio Auto Pilot - Online Registration & Studio Automation

StudioAutoPilot 2024 Application

When your application is approved you will be given a fully functional system to use for 3 months at no charge to ensure it is a good fit for your studio. There is no obligation, fee or penalty if you decide not to use StudioAutoPilot after the 3rd month.

StudioAutoPilot fee - $249 per month for up to 500 active students.
Embedded video fee - $99 for up to 200 students, $49 for every additional 100 students.

At the beginning of month 4, you will be charged the regular fee for StudioAutoPilot. If, for any reason you do not choose to run on StudioAutoPilot, just tell us before the beginning of the fourth month and you will not be charged. You will still pay for any merchant fees and credit card transaction fees incurred in the 3 month no charge period. We will review the answers you submit to make sure you are a good fit for success with StudioAutoPilot. If we do not believe your studio operation will be a successful fit, we will be honest and let you know why we do not want to set up and configure our system for your studio.

Please allow 2-3 business days to hear a response to your submission.

Programs you teach - StudioAutoPilot is designed to run private and group music lessons only.
Are your teachers contractors or employees?
Do you currently offer online registration that allows prospects to pick times, pay and set up monthly payments without any admin interaction?
Do you use a "request info" or "submit form" for lesson inquiries?
StudioAutoPilot allows students to cancel lessons with 24 hours notice (we do 24 hours & 3 self cancellations per teaching year at our studio but you can set your own maximums) and book a make up lesson in an unfilled gap in the following 2-7 days on their teachers schedule. Private make-ups can also be taken as video lessons through our system. We also have an option to do group make up lessons. Which make-up lesson system would you prefer to use?
If you do private make-up lessons when students miss, do you still pay the teacher before they do the make-up lesson, or only after the make-up lesson is done?
Do you offer every-other-week lessons? StudioAutopilot does not recommend or support automation of every other week students as there are multiple downsides for the studio. If you offer every other week lesson are you willing to book and manage those lesson manually?
Do your lesson schedules start on the hour and/or at 15 minute intervals? (3:00, 3:15, 3:30, 3:45, etc.)
What private lesson lengths do you offer?
Do you run an ongoing year round schedule (no end date, continuous once you start) or have sessions like Fall (September-June) and Summer (July-August)
Do your teachers stay in the same teaching room for the majority of the teaching day or do they switch rooms several times?
Do your instuctors teach at the same location for the whole teaching day or do they go to teach between multiple locations during the same day? (Example: An instructor teaches some students by driving to student's houses and then teaches some students in your studio on the same day)
If you are unable to find a sub, do you issue credits for missed lessons or make students do make up lessons?

StudioAutoPilot has billing options of: exact monthly billing for private lessons (5 lesson months get charged for 5 lessons, 3 lesson months get charged for 3), or flat rate billing (students get charged for 4 lessons each month no matter what)

Which system would you like for your studio?

StudioAutoPilot allows students to permanently transfer lesson times or teachers by selecting them online and adjusts or charges for any difference in their fees. You can choose to allow families to self transfer or keep it done through admin only. Would you allow families to self transfer?
Can you the owner commit to doing the intial set up, (don't worry it's pretty easy) making the decisions on settings and financial rules and be the primary contact during the onboarding/transition process?